Patient Administration

A modern system for hospitalized and outpatient patients who uses identification through National Registries (SSN code, VAT ID) and provides the tools for the settlement of insurance claims by using multiple price lists for the services provided by the Healthcare Provider. It is applied to the whole range of patient reception areas: Emergencies, Outpatient offices, Hospitalized Patients admissions, Utilizing e-services to the citizen, insurance companies and physicians.

Medical Services

Software applications for laboratories, medical specialties, nursing departments, radiodiagnostic laboratories, medical teams, clinics with visiting patients, nurses, prevention and primary care; compose a comprehensive system that covers patient administration, drug and material management, financial services and administration.

Supply Chain

From purchase and supply to consumption and pricing of medicines and sanitary materials, food, stockpiles of expensive materials for inventory monitoring and for timely supply.

Multiple levels of aggregate and analytical information create an efficient tool for management which responds to everyday and occasional information needs.

A set of predefined reports and indicators is available to the management team, but also a tool for generating comparable reports from more than one unit or department.

A modern human resources management tool that provides optimal techniques for better and more efficient use of available resources.

We develop software based on new technologies and principles of User Experience Design (UX).
Our applications are characterized by their high specifications and ease of use.